Re-educate your children vision with visual therapy
Our children visual abilities are developed in a similar way as when we learn to speak or to walk. That is, we must also learn to see in order to be able to interpret and understand the world. In fact, the 80% of the information that children receive at class is through the eyes, but to have a 100% visual sharpness does not guarantee a good vision. The definition of good vision does not only mean to have physically healthy eyes, but also to be able to identify what we are seeing, process and understand it. For this reason, glasses or contact lenses are not the solution if the problem has to do with visual accommodation, coordination between the eyes or perception of the surroundings, among others. In this point, the visual therapy allows us to solve the problem.
What does visual therapy mean?
The visual therapy or training is composed of specific exercises customized in order to re-educate vision and make it more efficient. This is achieved correcting and improving the functional and perceptual abilities (link: )The exercises evolve and vary in difficulty as the therapy goes on and adapts to the problems and objectives of each child.
How does it help our children?
Starting from these exercises children establish new connections or nerve cell schemes that will help them to process correctly the visual information. All the things learned with this therapy can be applied to their daily life, developing a strong visual system without any effort. Just in this way they will be able to concentrate on the purpose and not on the way: to learn instead of being observant if they see in a proper way or not.
How can we detect that children need visual therapy?
If you detect more than two of the following behaviours in your children, it is recommended to consult an optometrist:
– Reads very slowly,
– Does not understand what he/she is reading,
- Uses the finger while reading,
- Transposes letters and/or numbers when reading and/or writing,
– Confuses right and left,
– Skips words and/or lines while reading,
– Has inadequate postures when reading or writing,
– Complains of blur vision,
– Gets very close to the paper while reading and
– Half-closes the eyes when looks at far distance.
When did you last review your children vision?