Terapia Visual para mejorar aprendizaje de tus hijos

Re-educate your children vision with visual therapy

Our children visual abilities are developed in a similar way as when we learn to speak or to walk. That is, we must also learn to see in order to be able to interpret and understand the world. In fact, the 80% of the information that children receive at class is through the eyes, but to have a 100% visual sharpness does not guarantee a good vision. The definition of good vision does not only mean to have physically healthy eyes, but also to be able to identify what we are seeing, process and understand it. For this reason, glasses or contact lenses are not the solution if the problem has to do with visual accommodation, coordination between the eyes or perception of the surroundings, among others. In this point, the visual therapy allows us to solve the problem.

What does visual therapy mean?   

The visual therapy or training is composed of specific exercises customized in order to re-educate vision and make it more efficient. This is achieved correcting and improving the functional and perceptual abilities (link: https://bioptic.net/en/visual-therapy )The exercises evolve and vary in difficulty as the therapy goes on and adapts to the problems and objectives of each child.

How does it help our children?

Starting from these exercises children establish new connections or nerve cell schemes that will help them to process correctly the visual information. All the things learned with this therapy can be applied to their daily life, developing a strong visual system without any effort. Just in this way they will be able to concentrate on the purpose and not on the way: to learn instead of being observant if they see in a proper way or not.

How can we detect that children need visual therapy?

If you detect more than two of the following behaviours in your children, it is recommended to consult an optometrist:

– Reads very slowly,

– Does not understand what he/she is reading,

  • Uses the finger while reading,
  • Transposes letters and/or numbers when reading and/or writing,

Confuses right and left,

Skips words and/or lines while reading,

Has inadequate postures when reading or writing,

Complains of blur vision,

Gets very close to the paper while reading and

Half-closes the eyes when looks at far distance.

When did you last review your children vision?

Ortho-k contact lenses, your allied contact lenses this summer for 3 reasons

Vision Aid - Contact Lens

The beach sand can easily get into your eyes, which can make the conventional contact lenses, those used during the day, leap. To suffer a blow in the swimming pool or a bycicle fall can also lead to the traditional contact lenses loss, which can even get broken. These are only three examples from a big list of summer holidays moments that prove that wearing glasses or conventional contact lenses is not always the most comfortable option. Can you imagine a type of contact lenses that one uses during the night and which allow one to have a clear vision during the day without wearing anything in the eye? The ortho-k contact lenses will turn out to be your best allied contact lenses during summer time for these main reasons: security, comfort and health.


  • The most secure option

Since these contact lenses are nocturnal, the vision is clear during the day without wearing any type of contact lense in the eye. This is possible because the Ortho-k contact lenses apply the Refractive Corneal Therapy (CRT), which modifies the corneal curve correcting the myopia. This is the most secure option, since it is impossible to harm our eyes, because we do not wear any contact lense. This is an absolutely secure treatment, since it has been approved by the United States FDA, which is the american health organization and also from the European Community.


  • The comfort of wearing no contact lenses

The fact of wearing neither contact lenses nor glasses, because the Ortho-k contact lenses correct the myopia during the night, makes the probability of irritation and inconveniences typical of the conventional contact lenses decrease. In a period where the sport, beach or swimming pool activities are more appropriate, the fact of wearing neither contact lenses nor glasses is a pleasure. Despite this, one must  not forget about the sunglasses, especially in the case of children.


  • A matter of health: to slow down the myopia

The therapy applied by means of the Ortho-k contact lenses, the Refractive Corneal Therapy, is the best one to slow down the myopia with significant results. These contact lenses become the unique choice to surgery, ill-advised in the case of children and young people with evolutionary myopia and in other particular cases.

Did not you know the Ortho-k contact lenses? Get in touch with us or fix an appointment for more information!


The 5 advices to come back to school that no list includes


The vast majority of advices lists to face coming back to school with success do not include the visual health between the most important things to take into account. But this means the key to fight the school failure, since the 80% of the information explained at class enters through the eyes. Do you want to know all the advices in order to take care of your children vision when coming back to school this year?


1. Less video games, tablets and mobile phones and more homework

During the summer holidays, some children have spent a lot of hours every day in front of electronic devices. Experts recommend that, once the course has started, parents should agree with them a restricted usage of these devices and also to give more importance to homework. Screens as well as books must be situated 35-40cms. distance from the eyes.


2. To establish a good space to study

Any part of home does not mean the best place to study. Parents must provide their children with an appropriate and fixed place, with comfortable chair and table and an adequate temperature. In order to take care of their vision, the room must have natural light, whenever it is possible. The artificial light will be used with the main purpose to avoid shadows. The lack of light can lead to visual fatigue, that is why the chosen room to study should have a lamp that gives off natural light as well as an adjustable table-lamp.


3. Vision needs to rest while studying

It is suggested to rest the vision from the books or screens every 20 minutes. To have a rest does  not mean that children have to stop studying, but simply by doing the following exercise: to raise the sight and look at some far-off object during some seconds before concentrating again to look at the near material they are working with.


4. Does your child turn his/her head when reading or writing?

This is one of the signs that can tell you that your child suffers a visual problem. Also: to blink constantly, to approach too much to books while reading, to half-close the eyes, the readness of these or the rejection to reading.

In some cases, these visual problems will be corrected by means of glasses or contact lenses, but if the problem is of vision accommodation, of eyes coordination or of perception of the environment, among others, it is the Visual Therapy that can solve the problem. This therapy consists of various customized exercises that reeducate the sight of children bettering and correcting the visual and perceptual skills.


5. The annual revision, in september

To visit the optician-optometrist in order to check the children vision, must be done, at least, once a year. If you have noticed some of the symptoms mentioned above, september is the best moment to carry out the revision. The school learning is directly linked to the vision and hence when a visual problem appears, children are not able to develop their highest potential.